  • “Whats in your advance care planning pill?” Insights and experiences from international ACP-i programs and pioneers 
    Medizinisch Vektor erstellt von frimufilms –

    23 March 2022 – Australia and New Zealand

    Webinar 1: Australia – UTC 11 am – noon (12 am)
    Dr Leyton Miller (palliative care consultant, Queensland Health)
    Jill Mann (ACP program director, Barwon Health, Victoria)
    Click here to register

    Webinar 2: New Zealand – UTC 11 pm – midnight (12 pm)
    Leigh Manson (National ACP programme lead)
    Dr Tammy Pegg (Cardiologist and national programme clinical lead)
    Click here to register

    15 June 2022 – Switzerland and Germany

    (time/speakers to be announced) 

    14 September 2022 – Spain and Brazil 

    (time/speakers to be announced)

    7 December 2022 – United States and Canada 

    (time/speakers to be announced)

  • Video recordings of first ACP-i Digital Exchange now online

    Dear Members,

    the video recordings of our first digital exchange from last August are finally online and can be found here: All Videos from ACP-I Digital Exchange 2021

    Have fun with watching and recapping.

  • Summary of ACP-I member newsletter November 2021

    It continues to be a challenging time for the health sector and more specifically advance care planning. We hope you are managing to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe and well.

    At our general assembly meeting in August we undertook to provide you with more regular news and more opportunities for us to connect as a Society. We hope this newsletter provides you with useful information, news and the details about 2022 planned Society events.

    Welcome and congratulations to our new board

    We wanted to share a little about our new board members who have already met twice since the digital exchange.

    Board President – Tanja Krones Prof Dr med. Dipl. Soz. Head of the Clinical Ethics Unit at the University Hospital Zurich, associated with the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Zurich

    Board Vice President
    Dr. Stephanie Anderson, DNP, RN

    Executive Director, Respecting Choices, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

    Board Secretary
    Leigh Manson, B.Proc, LLB, MBA

    ADVANCE CARE PLANNING National Programme Lead – Health Quality & Safety Commission, New Zealand

    Board Treasurer
    Kornelia Hoppi Goetze

    Family Practitioner, palliative care specialist and research fellow at the dpt of General Practice, University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Germany

    Board Member At Large
    Dr. Jessica Simon, MB ChB, MRCP(UK), FRCPC

    Professor and Division head for Palliative Medicine, Department of Oncology at the University of Calgary, Canada

    Board Member At Large
    Cari Borenko, BA, BSW, RSW, MHS

    Lead, Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Authority, British Columbia; Serious Illness Program, Master Coach; Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia; National Task Group Member and Chair National Advance Care Planning Community of Practice, Advance Care Planning Canada

    Board Member At Large
    Dr. Cheng-Pei Lin RN, MSc, PhD

    Assistant professor in Nursing at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Taipei, Taiwan; Visiting Research Fellow in Palliative Care at Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London, UK

    Advisor to the Board
    Dr. Ingmar Hornke, DEAA

    CEO and CMD of Palliative Team Frankfurt gGmbH (NPO Specialist Palliative Home Care Service for the metropolitan area of Frankfurt and Specialist Pediatric Home Care Service for the County of southern Hesse) and CEO of Würdezentrum gUG including Palliative-Hospice Academy Frankfurt and Center of Caring Community

    Advisor to the Board
    Dr. Daniel Neves Forte, MD, PhD

    Head – Palliative Care Program, Hospital Sírio-Libanes (Brazil); ICU Senior physician – ICHC, University of São Paulo; President – Bioethics Committee, Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Past president – Brazilian Academy of Palliative Care

    Advisor to the Board
    Dr. Craig Sinclair PhD, BA, BSc

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

    Advisor to the Board
    Cristina Lasmarias

    Lead, Advance Care Planning Program, Catalan Institute of Oncology

    2021 Digital Exchange

    Thank you to those of you that were able to attend our first virtual exchange. It was a great success and has inspired the Board to consider more virtual events.
    We asked attendees to provide us with feedback after the digital exchange and this is what you have said:

    • Participants liked the exchange of “resources and real experience with advance care planning” and “the chance to reconnect with international colleagues in advance care planning, during a time when it has been difficult to travel and stay connected. Hearing about the excellent work that is going on in different parts of the world in this field” and 100% found the conference valuable.
    • Suggestions for improvement included “while I really enjoyed the length of the presentations there were too many in my opinion. Fewer presentations or more breaks could help,” a desire for rapid access to the presentations on-line and easier event registration. There was also a call for more “perspective of community members and people with lived experience of illness: as presenters, attendees and on the conference organising committee”.
    • Ideas suggested for future events included more on ethical and legal dimensions of advance care planning, decision-making and culture, research findings on the effectiveness and impact of advance care planning during the pandemic, community based advance care planning and consensus building on definitions of advance care planning and “Goals of care”.
    • Both digital and in-person conference events were deemed important. Please keep your suggestions for future events coming to

    2022 Virtual Events – pencil into your diaries now!

    Member only expert Q&As

    We want to run three “member only” ask the expert sessions. We are thinking these would be 45 minutes long Zoom sessions. We would invite an expert to talk about a member requested topic and invite all members to join the Zoom conversation with the expert. We will set the dates for these once we have your topic requests.
    Please send us your topic requests or key questions you would like us to gather an expert/s to answer for you to by 23 December 2021.

    “What is in your advance care planning pill?” webinars

    We will be running a number of one-hour Zoom webinars to provide the advance care planning community with opportunities to share the details of how advance care planning is constructed, implemented and evaluated in different jurisdictions.

    These sessions will start with a presentation by one country/territory where they share what’s in the advance care planning pill in their area – how they structure advance care planning services, how they engage consumers and communities, how they prepare the workforce, how ACPlans are recorded, shared and used, systems and processes, legislation and the legal framework they operate under, how advance care planning is resourced, and how they measure and evaluate their services and approaches. They will also be asked to demonstrate the impact of their advance care planning service on consumers through a consumer story.
    We will then have a break out session facilitated by the Board members to discuss the presentation.

    We will ensure we run these webinars and different times across the year to support everyone across the globe to attend at least one live.

    What is right about advance care planning?

    In October, JAMA published an opinion piece titled “What is wrong with ACP?” (Morrison RS, Meier DE, Arnold RM. What’s Wrong With Advance Care Planning? JAMA. 2021;326(16):1575–1576. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.16430)
    The Board has prepared a response to this opinion piece which has been accepted for publication (see commentary section of the JAMA viewpoint).

    In addition, we wanted to bring a couple of other key papers to your attention:

    1. Sinclair, C., Nolte, L., White, B.P. and M. Detering, K. (2020), Advance care planning in Australia during the COVID-19 outbreak: now more important than ever. Intern Med J, 50: 918-923.
    2. Montgomery et al’s Response to Morrison: Advance Directives/Care Planning: Clear, Simple, and Wrong (DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0272 ). Carole Montgomery, Susan E. Hickman, Christine Wilkins, Erik K. Fromme, and Stephanie Anderson. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2021 24:1, 12-13
    3. Advance Care Planning is So Right: Podcast with Rebecca Sudore and Ryan McMahan
    4. Moody, S.Y. (2021), “Advance” Care Planning Reenvisioned. J Am Geriatr Soc, 69: 330-332. and commentary on this:
      • Bradshaw, A., Bayly, J., Penfold, C., Lin, C.-P., Oluyase, A.O., Hocaoglu, M.B., Murtagh, F.E.M. and Koffman, J. (2021), Comment on: “Advance” care planning reenvisioned. J Am Geriatr Soc, 69: 1177-1179.
      • Moody, S.Y. (2021), Reply to: Comment on: “Advance” care planning reenvisioned. J Am Geriatr Soc, 69: 1179-1180.
    5. Advance Care Planning: Challenges and Opportunities webinars 2020
    6. Deconstructing the Complexities of Advance Care Planning Outcomes: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? A Scoping Review. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16801

    We look forward to a connected 2022 for the Society.
    Yours, ACP-I Board.

  • Singapore Conference postponed to 2023

    Due to the Corona virus pandemic, the 8th Conference of the International Society of Advance Care Planning in Singapore (originally scheduled for April 2021) has been postponed to 2023 (exact date pending).
    As soon as new information is available, we will post it here.

  • 7th Conference of the International Society of Advance Care Planning

    13th – 16th March 2019 in Rotterdam, Netherlands was a big success. More than 300 international attendees, great presentations, lots of interaction.

    Slides are now online on the membership area.